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Landing in Papua New Guinea

In the beginning of April my team arrived in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. We headed to the "Liberty" - the medical mercy ship that is currently preparing for its journey up along the northern coast of PNG. Our first mission was to give the regular crew a break from their normal duties. And so, after settling in to a bunk, we spent our first week cleaning the ship.

Being in a new country with new surroundings, as well as living on a ship was quite an adjustment. One that I am still going through. But God is faithful and He has been my helper each step of the way.

Here are some pictures to give you an idea of where and how I spent my first week here in PNG:

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Praying for you! God provide the peace, provisions and protection. God Bless!


Apr 24

How exciting Laurel!! I think of you often, praying God uses your skills for His glory. From the moment you shared your desire to apply for this opportunity, I’ve felt a spiritual peace that this was where you needed to be. I love that we can keep in touch with you thru this website!

Aunt Kristen

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